Customizing the checkout experience with our data-driven API

You can toggle/pass in the following information when you are installing the checkout on your webpage via our data-attribute approach:

  1. Pre-selecting an item (and therefore not show the item selection page)
  2. Force a specific language
  3. Pass in names & email addresses of the purchaser / recipient
  4. Take the purchaser straight to a specific page on the checkout (e.g. the payment page)
  5. Hiding the artwork shown at the top, certain items, groups or the custom value gift cards for a more concise checkout experience
  6. Removing Google Fonts
  7. Provider referrer information

By default, the installation target DIV looks like this:

<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}"></div>

Allowing only 1 pre-selected item to be bought

When you want to show a version of your checkout without the first page (the item selection page), just use our configuration widget in the Installation section of the dashboard:

This item can be public or private, and we'll still show it if you do select a private item. This is a great way to have items set up in your account that are not available to the general public, and are instead made available when you install a version of your checkout that exposes it. 
If you have selected a custom value item to be shows, you can also pass in a pre-filled in value if you like as well by passing in an extra parameter called data-custom-value-amount.

Forcing a specific language

We support a language chooser on our checkout, but sometimes you want to install a version of the checkout and have it select a language. 

You can do this by passing in a data attribute called  data-language  and setting it to one of the following values

  • en-US  (United States)
  • en-GB  (British)
  • en-CA  (Canadian)
  • en-AU  (Australian)
  • bg-BG  (Bulgarian)
  • hr-HR  (Croatian)
  • cs-CZ  (Czech)
  • da-DK  (Danish)
  • nl-NL  (Dutch)
  • fi-FI  (Finnish)
  • fr-FR  (French)
  • de-DE  (German)
  • hu-HU  (Hungarian)
  • it-IT  (Italian)
  • no-NO  (Norwegian)
  • pt-PT  (Portuguese)
  • pl-PL  (Polish)
  • ro-RO  (Romanian)
  • ru-RU  (Russian)
  • sr-BA  (Serbian)
  • sk-SK  (Slovakian)
  • es-ES  (Spanish)
  • sv-SE  (Swedish)
  • uk-UA  (Ukrainian)
  • lv-LV  (Latvian)
<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}" data-language="fr-FR"></div>

Passing in the purchaser's/recipient's name & email address

Our checkout asks for various bits of information, including:

  1. Purchaser's name & email address
  2. Recipient's name & email address
  3. The message added to the gift card

These values can be passed in via the following data attributes: data-purchaser-namedata-purchaser-emaildata-recipient-namedata-recipient-email and data-optional-message

You do NOT need to specify all values, only what you have. Also, if you specify  data-who="yourself"  value (below) then you need only specify data-purchaser-name and data-recipient-email values if you have them, all other values are ignored.

<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}" data-purchaser-name="Lee" data-recipient-name="Alex" data-purchaser-email="" data-recipient-email=""></div>

Specifying the buying experience

You can also override the Gift Up account setting for the buying experience by setting  data-who-for 

It must be one of these values:

 -  yourself
 -  someoneelse
 -  onlyme
 -  onlysomeoneelse 

This pre-selects (or hides) the following choice: 

<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}" data-who-for="someoneelse"></div>

Applying a promo code by default

If you're running a promotion that is activated by a code, you can automatically apply it by passing in  data-promo-code 

<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}" data-promo-code="BLACKFRIDAY"></div>

Selecting the step of the checkout to display by default

If you have all the required information to make a purchase specified by the above data variables, you can skip to any page in the checkout you like. i.e. take the purchaser straight to the payment page by default.

To do this by supplying  data-step  and providing one of three values: items (the default), details or payment to take the user straight to either the item selection page, the details capture page or the payment page. 

<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}" data-purchaser-name="Lee" data-recipient-name="Alex" data-purchaser-email="" data-recipient-email="" data-step="payment"></div>

You do not need to worry about missing purchaser/recipient data. We handle this case and ensure we only take the purchaser to the step you direct us if the previous steps have had all the required data passed in also. 

i.e. we won't take the purchaser to the payment page, if the details page data is incomplete. In that case, we'll take the purchaser to the details page to complete the required information.  

Hiding the artwork

If you prefer to not have your artwork shown, you can pass in  data-hide-artwork="true" 

<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}" data-hide-artwork="true"></div>

Hiding Google Fonts

Our checkout utilizes Google Fonts to provide a selection of fonts for you to use in your checkout. By default, we use 2 Google fonts (Inter and Lora). You can elect for your checkout to not include any Google Fonts scripts by passing in data-hide-google-fonts="true".
<div data-site-id="{YOUR GIFT UP ID}" data-hide-google-fonts="true"></div>

Providing referrer information

If you want to track a string value that represents where the order originated from, for example a sales rep's name, or a website url, pass in a value for the referrer property. The maximum length we store is 255 characters.
<div data-referrer="Marketing website 2"></div>

If you are using our hosted checkout

You can pass in all the above information into our hosted checkout via extra query string parameters instead. Here's a list of supported parameters in our hosted checkout: 

  • productid
  • groupid
  • whofor
  • purchaseremail
  • purchasername
  • recipientemail
  • recipientname
  • optionalmessage
  • step
  • language
  • promocode
  • hideartwork
  • hidegroups
  • hideungroupeditems
  • customvalueamount
  • hidegooglefonts
  • referrer

The values and behaviour are as per the above instructions, the only difference is the way you pass them into the checkout.

You can get your hosted checkout URL from the installation section in the dashboard.

You will notice that the hosted checkout includes some information in the header, like company name/logo etc… You can turn this off by adding a query string parameter:  justshowcheckout=true. This is great is you are embedding our hosted checkout into your app.

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