Manage multiple Gift Up! accounts with one login

If you run a franchise, run multiple websites or need to sell in various currencies, you'll need multiple Gift Up! accounts. You don't need to create a separate login for each one; you can just create another account and keep 1 set of login credentials to access them all. 

Each Gift Up! account is completely isolated from each other, which means that the gift cards, settings and payments are unique in each account. The only thing linking them is the fact that you can administer both from a single login.

Create another Gift Up! account with your existing login

  1. Log in to your Gift Up! dashboard
  2. Click your name in the bottom left menu...
  3. Click "Create another account"

   4. Click "Create new Gift Up! account" (again)

5. Done, you now have 2 Gift Up! accounts. When you log in next time you will be presented with an account chooser:

Inviting extra users to your new account

If you need other people to access your new Gift Up! account, you'll need to invite them to the account. Head over to where you can invite new users one-by-one:

If you want to copy the users on your other Gift Up! account, switch back to the original Gift Up! account, head over to and you'll be able to copy users between your accounts: 

Changing the owner on your new account

If you have created this account on behalf of a client, or you do not want to be marked as the owner (and hence responsible for this new account's billing), you need to add at least 1 other administrator to the account (as above) and transfer ownership to them
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