How to give a gift card away

We support the ability to give away a gift card using our dashboard. In this scenario you are not taking payment for the gift card sale, instead you are issuing a gift card free of charge to your customer, perhaps in lieu of a cash refund, or as a gesture of goodwill etc...

You get full control over the gift card, including messages, expiry dates, etc... and you can even get us to deliver the gift card by email either immediately if required.

  1. Head over to
  2. Choose what item(s) you are issuing:
  3. Enter the recipient's details, and make sure to tick the "Issue this gift card free of charge" checkbox:

If you are issuing a gift card with a pre-printed code

If you have a stack of gift cards that you're giving out, when you create your gift card in the dashboard, you get the chance to scan (or type) the actual code on the gift card you're issuing to your customer:

This means you do not need to tell us in advance all your gift card codes on your 'inactivated' gift cards. 

What's the fee for creating a gift card in this way?

We charge a fee of 1.99% for a complimentary gift cards. There is a free allowance for the first few you do per month, details are available in our pricing help article

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