Customizing the emails we send to your customers

You have pretty much full control over the content in the emails we send your customers. You can't add any custom styles (if you're a developer and understand what that is), but apart from that, it's pretty flexible. 

Specifically, you can customize the following:

  1. From name & email address
  2. Subject line
  3. Your logo & where it links to
  4. Intro text & title
  5. Add an extra call-to-action button underneath your intro text
  6. Email signature

What the recipient gets:

Here's what the email to the recipient looks like by default, out of the box:

How to customize the words/add a logo, etc...

Head over to email settings in the dashboard, where you will be able to edit the wording and logo. 

If you edit the wording, you may want to include some contextual information to it, such as the purchaser's name or the item they have been bought etc... 

You can do this by typing the following into the subject line, intro text, footer text/signature & button fields:

  • {{PURCHASERNAME}}  to enter the purchaser's name (e.g. "Lee")
  • {{RECIPIENTNAME}}  to enter the recipient's name (e.g. "Alex")
  • {{ITEMBOUGHT}}  to enter the item bought (e.g. "60-minute massage" or "2 x All you can eat steak" or "£50 gift card")
  • {{MESSAGE}}  to enter the message left for the recipient
  • {{TRANSACTIONID}}  to enter the transaction id returned from your payment gateway
  • {{ORDERNUMBER}}  to enter the Gift Up generated order reference number (e.g. 10547)
  • {{EMAILADDRESS}}  to enter the email address that the email is being sent to
  • {{DATE}} to enter the order date (e.g. 7 Dec 2020)
  • {{TIME}} to enter the order time (e.g. 3:58 PM)
  • {{CODE}}  to enter the gift card code(s) (e.g. ABC12, can be a comma-separated string of codes). You can also control the format if there are likely to be multiple gift cards purchased in a single order:
    • {{CODE|CSV}} will output the codes as a comma-separated list
    • {{CODE|LINE}} will output the codes with a HTML line break <br> between each code
    • {{CODE|FORMAT({0})}} will output the codes with the specified format.
      • For example, entering {{CODE|FORMAT(<a href="https://www.example/com/{0}/redeem">Redeem Gift Card {0}</a>)}} will output something like <a href="https://www.example/com/ABC123/redeem">Redeem Gift Card ABC123</a><a href="https://www.example/com/ABC456/redeem">Redeem Gift Card ABC456</a> for an order with 2 gift cards codes of ABC123 & ABC456
  • {{CUSTOMFIELD[label or id]}} to enter the value the customer entered for a custom checkout field
    • For example, if you have a custom checkout field with a label of "Phone number", you'd enter this in your email template to render it: {{CUSTOMFIELD[Phone number]}}


{{PURCHASERNAME}} just bought you a "{{ITEMBOUGHT}}" gift card  will output as Lee just bought you a "60 minute massage" gift card 

Taking full control over the emails that are sent to your customers

If you have the desire to control fully the emails that your customers receive (that's both the receipt email to the purchaser, and the gift card email for the recipient), including the email content & sending domain/email address, then you can ask us to stop sending emails on your behalf, and you can take responsibility for it yourself. 

Guide: How to send the emails yourself, from your own email server & domain

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